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The Most Common Cosmetic Surgery Options After Weight Loss
Andrea Avery
If you\’ve lost a lot of weight, you may be considering cosmetic surgery as a way to improve the way your body looks and feels. Often, weight gain can cause the skin to stretch out of normal shape. It can sometimes even become so much of a problem that when you begin to lose weight, a great deal of extra skin remains present. No matter how much weight you\’ve lost, you can take some steps to improve the way your body looks and even how it can function. The first step is to meet with a doctor for a formal, personal consultation.
Consider a Full Body Tuck
One of the options for those who have lost a significant amount of weight is a full body tuck. In this type of cosmetic surgery, the doctor will make incisions in various areas of the body where the problem exists and tuck, or pull, the skin so that it is tighter. It may also involve removing skin and tissue from various areas to create a more even, natural layer. This procedure is not meant to be for weight loss, but some people will lose weight after they get rid of those pounds of skin.
Breast Reduction
For those who have extra weight still present in the breasts, it may be necessary to consider a procedure that reduces some of it. Since the breasts may not lose fatty tissue at the same rate as the rest of the body, this may be necessary to create a more proportional body shape. In addition, this type of procedure can also reduce the extra skin and sagging that often occurs in women who have lost a significant amount in this area.
Tummy Tuck
If you are like many others, your problem area was your mid-section. If you\’ve lost weight, you probably have a good deal of fatty tissue and extra skin in this area even still. As a result, you may find it frustrating to wear clothing or to even move around. With cosmetic surgery, it is possible to remove a good deal of that extra material, so your body looks more natural and you can easily move and function as normal. A tummy tuck does this by removing the extra skin and fatty tissues in this area while also repositioning the belly button and improving the muscle structure.
If you have gone through a remarkable journey and you love the way the pounds keep going down, it may be time to think about cosmetic surgery as an opportunity for you to finally get the body you want. It may even be necessary to lose the rest of the weight.
If you\’ve lost some weight but still aren\’t quite satisfied with the way you look, consider scheduling a consultation at an
El Paso cosmetic surgery
clinic. To learn more about your options following significant weight loss, visit the following:
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