You Do Have To Be Careful..}

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Submitted by: Rebakah Bestol

Dogs and kids dont always mix – or they may take time to get used to one another. Much depends on the temperament of the dog.

New parents are particularly concerned about having their youngster around dogs with whom they are unfamiliar or uncomfortable. Some dogs are more high strung than others, more prone to be unpredictable. My parents dog Pip, a brown Cocker Spaniel, could be trusted with anyone. Our last dog, Molly, a Cocker-Bichon cross, had a very different temperament and you werent always certain how she would react.

The arrival of our first grandson was a cause for concern. Molly reacted by wanting to get very close to the baby so as to lick him, making the mother understandably anxious. This kind of behavior lessened over the years but there remained a degree of uncertainty. If a three-year old is standing in front of a dog, snapping her fingers, is the dog going to react? We were very cautious with children and Molly for that reason.


It was the same with new adults who really wanted to pet this cute little dog. We had to warn them that Molly could snap. Some people she took an instant dislike to. We knew that because she started to growl. To be honest, we were part of the problem because Molly wasnt trained in the first place. Had that happened, we might not have experienced the unpredictable nature of this dog.

It also meant that you had to be very careful not to tease her. If you did, sometimes in what you regarded as in the tiniest way, shed snap at you. Sometimes even a particular hand placement on a chesterfield provoked a reaction.

I rarely have problems with dogs. I approach them correctly, I give them time to feel out who I am and things are fine. That wasnt the case with a female Dalmatian my brother owned. Just a few years ago my wife and I were visiting him in England. Wed taken the dogs for a walk on the moor and came back to have tea at their house. On the moor the dogs had been fine. In the house, the Dalmatian snapped at me and my brother had to shut her in another room. What triggered it? I dont know. However I was told they had had similar problems with this dog in the past always with men.

I guess what Im saying is that its smart to be cautious. Until youre familiar with a dog, and even then, be careful how you approach them. And if you have kids, especially very young ones, be extra careful. Give the dog space and time.

If youre looking for a dog, or youre a breeder with a dog for sale, Pet Match Park offers a friendly atmosphere where customers and breeders can interact with one another one on one.

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Health Issues That Require Emergency Animal Treatment In Alexandria, Va

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byAlma Abell

When animals become injured or ill, it’s important to get veterinary treatment as soon as possible. Waiting will cause these conditions to get worse, and this can have a negative impact on the health of the animal. Read the information below to learn about common health issues that require immediate animal treatment in Alexandria VA.

Breathing Difficulties

Animals can have breathing difficulties due to various health issues including lung problems, heart failure, asthma, and viral infections. Symptoms of breathing problems include flared nostrils, breathing through an open mouth, and a faster breathing rate. Breathing problems can be fatal for animals if they don’t get veterinary care as soon as possible. A veterinarian will perform various tests to determine the cause of the breathing issues. These tests often include blood tests, x-rays, or an ultrasound of the chest cavity. If necessary, the veterinarian will place an oxygen mask on the animal while performing the various tests.

Bleeding Injuries

When an animal has an injury that causes blood loss, pet owners will need to get the animal to a veterinarian immediately to control the bleeding. Serious bleeding emergencies include wounds to the chest, abdomen, or head. If the bleeding doesn’t cease after applying pressure to the wound, or if the animal is bleeding profusely from any area of the body, a veterinarian will need to examine the animal.

Epileptic Seizures

Animals have seizures due to an abnormal reaction in the brain that can be caused by issues within the brain or from certain diseases. Common health issues that can cause seizures include low blood sugar, liver disease, and heat exhaustion. Consuming a poisonous substance can also cause animals to have seizures. Issues with the brain that can cause a seizure include tumors in the brain, infectious diseases, and head trauma. After the animal recovers from a seizure, pet owners should take the animal to a veterinarian for animal treatment in Alexandria VA as soon as possible.

Hayfield Animal Hospital provides various types of medical treatment for animals when they experience breathing difficulties, bleeding, seizures, and other emergency health issues. Contact us for more information about pet emergencies and treatment options.